ElderForge offers a wide range of services to its clients:
IT consulting
Solving business tasks.
Software development
From business tasks to the finished product.
Represented by two services: desktop software development and web-based application development.
Software re-engineering
Extending the functionality, improving performance, re-design.
Software migration
Reducing the operating costs, increasing the efficiency of the old platforms.
Software integration
Integration of existing and implemented software systems in a single complex with a common information environment.
More information about the service will be added soon.
Training of client
Free service that allows the client to fully master the set of functional developed product.
More information about the service will be added soon.
Project management
Delegation of management the software development process.
More information about the service will be added soon.
Technical Support
Fixing and solving problems of our clients.
More information about the service will be added soon.
Software upgrades
The release of new and support for older versions of our products.
More information about the service will be added soon.
More information can be found in the relevant sections, or by contacting the ElderForge.
No matter where you are, you can use the services of the ElderForge at any distance.
Having ordered one time the project and making sure the reliability and quality, can proceed to long-term and to intensive interaction.